SEO in HoustonUntil the last year or two, efforts to obtain good SEO in Houston results focused on a few of the same methods. Keywords have been a critical part of SEO since its inception; however, times are changing and search engines are as well. In an effort to continually reward higher quality websites and discount lower quality ones, SEO techniques now include much more than keywords to increase a website’s relevance and value.

Keyword Limitations

Though it has been the main element in building good search engine optimization, the use of keywords has also been limited in some respects. As search algorithms have become more and more complex, relying on keywords alone for optimization has become much less effective and harder to see results.

Improving the basic use of keywords and phrases, SEO website building has become a much more important idea over the past few years. Google has changed their algorithms quite substantially again, so the use of search results based on keywords alone has become even more limited due to the fact that Google’s new searches consider concept and context along with keywords, something that hasn’t been done before.

Google’s Smarter Search

The most recently released Google search algorithm has some significant changes, one of which affects keyword search and the gathering of website statistics that is used by website administrators to direct SEO planning – and this has been finding the best keywords much more difficult. Thankfully, there are ways around this and a newly developed feature that does more accurate searches has been added – conceptual searching.

Keywords, phrases, and synonyms were searched and good responses were returned; however, also listed were unrelated pages using the same keywords. Consider as an example the phrase The Coffee Bean, which listed the business website by that name but also listed pages using ‘coffee beans’ in general. Users found that a waste of time because the more appropriate links went further down in the SERPs.

So now when looking at SEO in Houston efforts with conceptual searching, algorithms have learned the context in which they are being used. Back to The Coffee Bean which is a coffee shop, text on that website is related to both the keywords and other information on the website. In this case, that information indicates that The Coffee Bean is a business and the request is not necessarily for coffee beans in general. This shows how Google understands not just the keywords but how they are used on a web page as well.

Optimizing Conceptual Search

As a result, Google has become less dependent on main keywords and is able to interpret the topic and subject matter of a website and match it to specific searches; so search results are becoming much more accurate.

So how can a website reach desired goals with this new search feature? Ironically, websites that have been posting quality content that is fresh and relevant has already doing this. Yes, once again the answer is that the quality of content makes or breaks a website. Content must use keywords strategically and be well written to include important vocabulary that will set apart the different ideas represented by the same words.

A fairly simple resolution for a somewhat complex feature, this is Google’s way to again reward those working diligently on SEO in Houston by providing excellent websites with valuable information – and inferior websites will sink to the bottom of the SERPs. The understanding and use of conceptualization by Google is the new reality – and websites must embrace this knowledge to be at the top of the list as the most relevant website!

<em>Web Unlimited</em> – Leading The Way With Outstanding <em>SEO Results in Houston</em>!
Does your Houston website need some SEO help? Call Web Unlimited at 979-696-2500 and let our experts work some SEO magic to transform your website into the one searchers click on!

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