A functional website is an essential tool for any online business. Creating a functional website that actually accomplishes this is not as easy as it might seem. It takes many different aspects, from building the best layout and adding the most complimentary web design to adding easy site navigation and effective search engine optimization to accomplish desired goals. Knowing what common mistakes to avoid makes it much easier to produce a website with an effective and usable design.

Avoid Unconventional Design Styles

Everyone wants a creative and well-designed website that stands out from all the others; however, the fact is that creative and particularly artistic websites are not always user-friendly. If such a site is meant to be more artistic and less useable, that is fine; however, informational or sales websites with a large amount of copy, links, and pages should be designed in what may be considered a more normal fashion. It should be easy to read and navigate and have a web design that compliments the site without being distracting. Straying too far from this standard increases the risk that visitors cannot use the site, which will reduce conversions, traffic, and sales.

Avoid Sabotaging Searching Capability

Searching – whether through a browser or within the site itself – is the main way that visitors can find what they need; therefore, this must be given careful consideration. Page navigation should direct a user to the main areas of a website as well as allow a visitor to search for a specific item. This can only happen if the site is designed for searching and has not been sabotaged by aesthetic design and no optimization.

The best way to allow for better searching, both through a browser and on a page is to complete the HTML title tags and description text for each page. Use a concise, yet descriptive statement and incorporate high impact keywords. Such information allows for searching on the page and across the internet as well; it appears in tab titles, search results listings, and even as default bookmarking text. This is another means of page identification based on information and keywords; it provides greater weight to other optimization methods already in place.

Avoid an Advertising Appearance

In order for a website to look more professional, advertising should be avoided if at all possible. If advertising is necessary, it should be done in a way that it makes identifiable as advertising and does not occupy valuable page space. Content should also not confused as being advertising. Everything should blend in with the inclusive web design idea for the site. Advertising is distracting and increases the possibility that a user might leave before finding what they want.

Don’t Forget Communication

With so much to consider in order to have a functioning, user-friendly website, there is one more web design feature that needs attention. Feedback and contact forms cannot wait until later; it is undoubtedly more important that viewers always have a way to contact a company representative.

Keeping communication open between website users and owner is critical – often a deciding factor in turning a viewer into a customer, especially if they have questions or comments. Conversions increase when customers feel confident that they can trust the people behind a website. Being accessible and promptly replying to all questions and concerns plays a large part in establishing that trust.

With these tips and the help of an experienced a web design specialist, any website owner should be confident about implementing practices that will increase visibility, usability, and search capability. Reviewing existing web pages and determining where any concerns may exist is important and should not be difficult. Correcting any issues discovered could make a big difference in user-friendliness and SEO – and ultimate website success!

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