WordPress is one of the simplest website design platforms to choose for a website. It is a content management system or CMS that gives you many important SEO and site management tools including easy site-building and editing.

WordPress is used and recommended by numerous web design services. By following these simple steps, you can easily edit your WordPress web design and post content to your website.

1. Log On to the Administration/Admin Page

Begin by logging onto the website design on the WordPress administration page. The login screen can be found by adding either /admin/ or /login/ to your URL, as in these examples:

  • www.yourURL.com/login/
  • www.yourURL.com/admin/

Enter your username and password to log in and you should reach the main administration area to add and manage all the content on your site.

2. Add A New Page

Once you have logged in, you should have access to the WordPress admin dashboard. Depending on how your particular website has been set up by your web design services as either a website or a blog, on the left side you will see a list of various back-end locations. The two you will most likely deal with are Posts or Pages and they function similarly. The primary difference is that adding a new page involves a bit more as you need to know where on the website it will be placed, while adding a new post only needs for you to add it. Click either link to add a post or page.

3. Add Page Content

Now the fun part begins. The large blank area is where to add your content to be published. Add title at the top, text as indicated, as well as any Categories and Tags you want to use. Editing and formatting of text content is done using the built-in editing tools.

4. Work In Text or Visual Mode

When editing a WordPress web design, you have the option of working in text or visual mode. Visual mode displays a page for editing that looks similar to how it will looked when published. Text mode is in HTML and allows you to do some more detailed editing than what may be included with the editing software provided. Of course, it does require that you know how to use HTML.

5. Add Images and Media

To add images, videos, and other media to your page, find the Insert Media link and click on it. You will go to the Add Media page where you can choose any type of media already on the Media Library by choosing the Media Library link.  You can also add media to your website's media library by using the Upload Files link to either drag and drop a file or Select Files from other locations.

Be sure to take advantage of the optimization features that web design services use to improve SEO, such as alt-text, optimized image titles, and more.

6. Preview and Publish Page

After you have finished adding all of the content as well as all page and image settings, you can preview your work up to that point by clicking the Preview link, which will open a separate window. This will display as it will live except for actual website styling, which will appear after page/post is published. 

If you need to make changes, go back to the original window and make any necessary changes. Hit Preview again to verify your changes. When you are happy with how it looks, you can go ahead and click on Publish.

At any point if you need to leave your work and are not ready to publish yet, click on Save Draft and your work is saved. You can leave the page and website, then come back to it later. It will be in the list of Pages noted as Draft. Click on the title or on Edit and go back to complete your work. If everything looks good, set visibility options and then click Publish. The new page or post will be publicly visible according to the page visibility settings.

7. Additional Work On Existing Page

If you want to edit an existing page or the same page after you have saved it, to back to Post or Page, find what you want, and click on the title or Edit link. When you have made and previewed any changes as previously noted, you will click on Update to publish your edited content.

Wasn’t that easy?

This is why WordPress has become one of the most preferred web design publishing platforms by web design services all over the world. Once your initial website design it set up, you can add content quickly and easily as well as edit all other posts and pages as needed. Maintaining an effective SEO blog or website has never been easier than with WordPress!

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