In the past year, Americans have seen many companies both large and small stumble and fall due to the current economic crisis. We can’t get away from it as it’s all we hear about and see on the news. It’s hit home a few times with clients of ours as well as a few friends. The latest that I’ve heard of is a good friend of mine that tried doing all he could to keep his business alive. But in the end, he really has no other choice but to close his doors and pursue something else.

This entire year as I’ve watched these companies fail, I keep asking myself and my employees, “What can we do here to keep this from happening?”

We’ve come up with lots of strategies and have adjusted a couple of times to become leaner and meaner. Our latest strategy, which I think is our best one yet, is to come up with some new products. In the next couple of months, Web Unlimited will be launching several new products. This breathes life into our product lineup and brings in new revenue streams. Our Zimbra solution mentioned above is one of them.

With one of the new products in fact, I’m expecting to double our annual sales with sales from it. Talk about beating the recession!

By the way, did you catch how secretive I’m being on this “secret” new product? I’m being that secretive because there’s actually nothing like it on the market and I don’t want it to leak yet — at least until we’re ready to release it. Then it will be a full-blown online marketing blitz.

Don’t worry too much about this “secret” product though as you aren’t my target audience, it’s my competitors! I’ll document what I’m is currently working and not working for selling this product online on my blog –

So my big question to you is, what new products are you offering to your lineup? Also what strategies have you come up with to beat the Recession? I want to hear!

I keep reading and hearing that the companies that come out of this Recession will be stronger than ever. Let’s make that happen!