SEO in HoustonSite optimization is not a task for an amateur, one that can be done by an inexperienced individual lacking the basic knowledge and expertise of improving SEO in Houston. It is a job that requires the implementation of several different tactics to gain a better online presence, attract more visitors, and convert them into buyers. One method for improving SEO is by optimizing graphic elements such as videos and pictures; they must be properly posted so the website can get a better search engine rankings and greater internet visibility.


Following are some of the best ways to integrate videos for a maximum competitive advantage.

  • Sitemap – In order for search engines to index a web page with video and other related information, a sitemap should be created. This is one way to tell web bots that the site contains video elements to be included in the search results.

  • Title and Description – Title tags must distinctly specify a page’s purpose, not just the videos. Choosing the right keywords will send a signal to the search engines that the embedded graphical element is related to the products being promoted.

  • Text Transcript – Search engines are unable to understand video content. In order for images to be interpreted, text transcript should be uploaded along with the video.

  • Social Media – To attract a more visitors and generate more inbound links, use social media like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. It is considered the fastest way to get a wider range of audiences and a strong tactic to enhance SEO positioning.


Below are a few of the methods that can be used to incorporate pictures for the best optimization.

  • High Quality – A high-quality image helps the appearance of a website and also improves an SEO in Houston campaign. A website designed with well-chosen images can entice visitors who will stay longer as well as establish quality inbound links. If a site has surfers who stay longer, it will be labeled as relevant by spiders and merit a high page ranking.

  • Proper Keywords – Often labeling a picture with the right keywords is forgotten. Images usually have a jpeg file name such as (ds_0093.jpg), that is not changed before being incorporating into the design, so the image will not be described appropriately. Pictures must be labeled with the right keywords to improve the ranking.

  • Alt Tags – Search spiders are not able to see images. To make them visible, pictures should be optimized by using short and descriptive keywords so the bots can find and read the image. Ensure accurate anchor text is used when linking to another page on the site.

There are many ways to use online videos and images to strengthen search rankings and attract relevant traffic to a website. By learning the best ways to optimize videos and images through SEO in Houston, visitors can find desired information which will generate more traffic, more conversions and more sales for a company!

When You Need Help From An Expert in SEO in Houston, Call Web Unlimited !

Are you looking for a company knowledgeable about SEO in Houston? Call Web Unlimited at (888) 516-0172 and discover how an SEO campaign, including images and videos, can bring more visitors and more customers to your website!