To find business success with a website design, it’s essential that the design reaches audiences effectively and is usable by them.

That usability changes from year to year based on audience needs, technology improvements, design trends, and much more.

Ensuring website success requires that web design companies incorporate certain core elements that affect how well the site actually serves the intended audience.

Keep your site functional and effective by partnering with a website designer who can ensure yours is designed for success!

1. A Great First Impression

First and foremost, the page must give a great first impression for any website design to draw in audiences that find their way to the website.

It must be well designed with a good color scheme, look beautiful and interesting, create a positive visual experience, and be designed for use by a specific audience.

People enjoy looking at beautiful things and websites are no exception.

Invest in the services of a professional website designer to ensure your site makes an unforgettable first impression by looking and feeling attractive, helpful, and intriguing.

2. Mobile-Friendliness

The majority of internet users shop and access websites on their phones these days.

Marketing research indicates that users are nearly 75% more likely to return to your site if it’s mobile-friendly versus if it’s only a standard browser site.

Mobile-friendliness and usability are two of the most important elements of any successful website today as well as an important reason to have a professional web design company develop your site.

3. Fast Loading Pages

A critical part of being mobile and desktop friendly is having pages that load quickly.

Website design must be optimized so that pages load within two to three seconds, as 80% of users will begin clicking away as more time passes.

As web design and mobile technology continue to evolve, newer methods must continuously be used to improve load time as content types and user demands change.

4. Professional, Credible, and Unique Design

How professional a website looks is another factor that can either attract audiences and improve the success of the site or turn them away.

Professional, current-looking sites that match the industry and are a good representation of the company create credibility among site users.

A unique design developed by a web design company to stand out from the competition while looking trustworthy is an effective tool for getting your company’s message across and showing visitors how your business is serious about assisting them.

5. Positive User Experience

No matter what its purpose or content, the right website is one that offers a positive user experience.

Research suggests that 89% of all users will click off a website and go to a competitor's site if your website does not function well for them.

Website designers understand that positive user experience is relative to the specific audience, so sites must be developed to work well for that group of users.

6. Video Content

As user habits change, so does the way that they like to view website content.

Now more than ever, video content has become more effective than most other types of website content.

Users tend to stay on a page longer when there is a video present to watch the video and read the associated content.

7. Personalized Content

Another website design plus that gets results is content personalized to the individual user.

Marketing to audiences based on their past history of searches and purchases results in more unplanned purchases than when personalized content is not utilized.

Ready to Build the Right Website?

Though it may be easy to put up a business website and add some content, website designers well know that there is much more involved if you want that site to be successful.

By studying audiences then implementing current technology and marketing methods, web design companies create the perfect mixture of form and function to keep users coming in and keep them happy.

Using the above points, an experienced web designer can ensure your audience is having a remarkable experience on your site, making them more likely to become actual customers!

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