Houston SEO ServicesTo be the most competitive on the internet, Houston SEO services are an important part of any website promotional campaign, help to attract as much traffic as possible. To develop effective optimization methods, monitoring site analytics is essential in order to point out those areas that still need some research and adjustment. Unfortunately, Google’s latest algorithm change has introduced new things that have made monitoring website metrics somewhat more challenging.

What Are Website Metrics?

Website metrics are the information that is gathered through analytics programs that can essentially track everything that happens on a website. Some of the most basic, yet important metrics that should be monitored and managed are sources of traffic, amount of traffic, bounce rates, conversion rates, and traffic based on keywords. These can illustrate what is happening with any website and indicate where deeper searching is needed to uncover problems.

New Concerns with Keyword Metrics

As can happen, Google changes their search engine algorithm that can affect even good websites in a negative way. Of course, this is not the intent; improving searching so that good websites do better is its purpose. Where there has been a significant change in keyword reporting, some good websites can be affected.

With Google’s latest algorithm update, changes to keyword reporting have caused some well-made pages to lose efficiency. What has changed in particular is that Google is no longer allowing keyword statistics to be collected by analytics programs, which is part of the company’s move to Secure Search that protects the end user or searcher. Unfortunately, it also leaves Houston SEO services blind to what type of effect keywords are having on the website, which is one of the main ways that keywords are determined.

Tracking Keyword Metrics

The truth is, it is essential for those with Houston SEO services to have access to information about keyword usage – or such efforts become nothing more than blind trial and error. In light of this, it is important to find other ways to make keywords work effectively. Using the methods described below, it should be possible to do just that; the first two should be done in conjunction with each other for the best results.

  • Page Level Traffic Report – To determine which pages with various optimization and keyword efforts are doing better than others, run a landing page report with Google Analytics’ Page Level Traffic to obtain such information. It is not perfect, but it is possible to determine which efforts are getting better results and then make appropriate adjustments.
  • Page Hits Report – After obtaining a page level traffic report, the next step would be to run a report of new and returning page hits. It will not show actual keyword information; however, there are two important bits of information to be gained: new incoming traffic that is as much or more than before and keyword performance from relating increases or decreases in new traffic to changes made based on the page level traffic report. It is more work-intensive; however, it can prove to be helpful.
  • Use Different Programs – The last way to research keyword effect is to test with different programs on other browsers. Yes, Google is where results are desired; however, when research to get such results is compromised, searching must be done elsewhere to at least get a glimpse of what may be happening.

By no means are these methods ideal, as they do not provide nearly the amount of information that can be extracted when keyword performance is searched within analytic reports. At the moment, these appear to be the best options for Houston SEO Services to manage websites and achieve as much as possible!

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