Reputation MarketingA good online reputation is now vital to almost every business, company and even non-profit – and it does not happen overnight. Satisfying customers must always come first; however, it is essential when attempting to build a positive and recognizable online presence that satisfied customers be asked for reviews and feedback. With a very basic beginning, reputation management can be a part of every business’ online management that will continue to build or improve reputation.

A Bigger, Better Online Presence

The challenge faced by most online businesses is being able to rise to the first page of the search engine results pages, which is where more consumers read and click on a listing. Besides the whole issue of having an appropriate website and using good SEO techniques, one of the other main influences of page rank and business success in general is growing a web presence and developing a good reputation.

The easiest way to begin building brand recognition – which will lead to presence and reputation – is to be seen in the important places where both consumers and competitors are being seen. This no longer means simply having a website; it means acknowledging that to be competitive and noticed, social media must be a part of every marketing campaign. Creating and keeping company profiles on leading social websites – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and a few others – has become necessary in order to reach the most consumers, who are constantly on such sites, sharing likes, dislikes and experiences with friends.

Content and Reputation Management

Once a business has started building an online presence, reputation management becomes crucial. All online businesses will eventually experience some negative reviews or information being published. Keeping this to a minimum involves researching of the problem, some type of resolution, and learning from the experience.

When negative information rises in page ranking, it must be promptly handled to avoid any potential customers from seeing high ranking bad reviews or comments. These pages also tend to generate their own traffic and optimization, as people are curious and click to read about customers unhappy with a certain business.

The only way to change such high negative ranking is for it to be replaced in the rankings by positive listings about a company. Any notably useful or good information should be posted to increase positive awareness, all of which can be done through careful management of SEO, brand, reputation, and online presence.

Ask for reviews from happy customers, send out press releases, and be sure websites are fully functional and optimized; with perseverance, success can be found. Incoming links are critical for this purpose, as links to and from trusted websites will push bad information down in the results listing more quickly and avoid a reduction in viewing traffic. This type of damage control is continuous in order to keep positives rising and negatives falling lower and lower. If successful, any damage to a company’s reputation can be reduced.

Just like SEO and the continual influx of quality content, reputation management must be an ongoing effort, which can be built by a company in the few easy steps listed above. So can online reputation be improved? Most definitely – but avoiding it from happening with a good product and excellent customer service will always be the best way to achieve positive listings on Page One of the results listings!

Let <em>Web Unlimited</em> Handle Your Company's <em>Reputation Managemen</em>t!
Do you know your company’s online reputation? Call Web Unlimited at 979-696-2500 and let us handle your reputation management to put your online business in a positive light!

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