Texas_Web_DesignAn indicator of a website’s success is how well it handles and increases sales. The advantages and disadvantages of an internet presence can be simply summarized: a website can entice visitors or drive them away. It is important to choose an experienced Texas website designer who has the knowledge and capability to bring more clients to a company’s products or services. By knowing the essential parts of website design, a desired outcome can be achieved through the following guidelines.

User Experience

By determining the total percentage of user experience on a website, designers can have a good bird’s eye view of how to evenly distribute available resources. Each web page has different amounts of time that users spend there reading and participating; determining which page has a greater number of visits and are used for varying amounts of time would allow for the better spread of available resources to gain more conversions.

For example, product information pages typically have a higher load percentage than other pages. So it would be wise to invest more resources on those particular pages and spread minimal resources on the remainder. Tools are available on the internet to identify such percentages, which would be helpful in evaluating optimization and determine the weight of a typical user’s experience.

Essential Features

Increasing a website’s search engine rankings can be done by working by concentrating on certain essential features, especially those that may be more easily overlooked in favor of more major components, thereby unintentionally decreasing a user’s experience. Remember that the whole reason for an internet presence is to persuade viewers to become valued customers. Below are some helpful tips to ways to achieve such a goal.

  • Title Tags – Title tags on any web page are essential to success. In a five second span of time, a business must introduce itself and the provided products or services – what makes it special in this particular area so that visitors will want to stay longer. The main entry point of a website is its home page, so it is vital to provide information that will entice a view to travel further into this particular internet location. The proper use of title tags can achieve this for a business.
  • Description Tags – Place a high value on description tags as this is the detail by which search engine will present this page or site to any searchers. This tag must not only describe what will found when a link is clicked; it must also convey to visitors and prospective purchasers that there is something of value worth that click.
  • Graphics – Use compelling and exciting graphics wisely and sparingly, balance graphics with the loading speed. The saying of “don’t judge a book by its cover” is not necessary true when applying graphics to a website. It is actually true in many cases that a website with a great title but a poor appearance will tend to drive visitors away. Providing compelling graphics will certainly draw attention and entice viewers to further read about the products and services offered on that website, which could very well translate into increased potential customers and sales.

An expert Texas website designer can work meticulously on such elements and offer valuable experience for clients. Don’t be left behind on the global internet market; let sales and a website work together!

Find An Expert Texas Website Designer Firm With Web Unlimited!

If you cannot determine if sales and your website are working together, call Web Unlimited at 979-696-2500 and let us be your best choice of a Texas website designer for your company!