Austin Website DesignGraphic design comes in many forms, including design for print, for products, or for the internet, each type with different requirements in order to be considered a good, working design – and unless each element is understood, it is just about impossible to create effective Austin website design. It is assumed by many that website design is just an internet version of graphic design for printed material. Except for a few similar elements, designing for the web is completely different than for print and those differences must by clearly understood in order for a graphic artist to be a successful website artist.

Print Versus Web

The biggest difference that will cause adjustments to be made when planning for the internet as opposed to print is layout design, as there is much more freedom to be creative in an entire print space. Since most websites include standard architecture such as headers, footers, sidebars, and columns, there is less freedom with which to work, since the entire space is essentially broken up into many smaller areas. This can make internet designing somewhat more challenging, since the process begins with an existing framework and the design must attractively fit that layout; print design can use the entire space as is seen fit for good appearance.

Creativity in Austin website design has to follow a certain set of base rules to achieve a good site that is user friendly and looks good as well. In some cases, this is fairly simple; in others, coming up with good ideas for the internet can be a bit challenging, especially when a creative, stand-out design is desired. Developers who have primarily worked with print design may find the restrictions, although simple, uncomfortable to deal with.

Working With Internet Space

The best way to understand internet design is to view it as the use of specific parts that prompts users to interact positively with the website through the creative use of visual elements. In simpler term, web design is taking different interactive elements, then arranging and embellishing them to elicit a positive viewer response.

Examples of features used to accomplish this are: site navigation menus, call-to-action prompts and buttons, highlighted ‘Read More’ links; etc.. On a more abstract scale and closer to how print layouts are created, visual aspects of website layouts can also guide viewers to desired locations in order to interact with the design. In all cases, the goal of the layout is to create user interaction.

Turning Restrictions Into Function

Considering the two points above, the end result is a website shaped through the use of color, white and black space, typography, and other visual elements that looks good and directs viewer attention. It is known that a colored banner under a header contains the navigation bar and links to provide interaction. At the same time, even static decorative elements used appropriately can influence eye direction which is the same principle used in any printed layout. In the case of web layout, there is the added element of interaction.

Designers who can think of a layout as building blocks to a finished, functional website might have an easier time working within the boundaries set by grid layouts and separate page elements. Austin website design is simply achieving the same basic idea of good printed material in several interrelated parts rather than in a single large area. Is it different? Yes! Is it difficult? Not really!

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