Keeping website design as simple as possible is an important factor when working to obtain the best web design. Too complicated or distracting of a design are definitely a turn off to users, causing people to leave before accomplishing their goals. What some companies do not realize is even “simple” websites, that do not function in a normal way, are distracting. Therefore, simplicity in web design must be used in relation to how the site looks and how it functions, because where function is concerned, simplicity is not always the answer.

Achieving Website Goals Through Design

The most important function of any website is to be seen and used, so a visitor can complete a desired activity or function. Whether a user is there to shop for products and make a successful purchase, or read through volumes of articles and media, they want to be able to do this as easily as possible. A simple and minimalistic web design definitely has its place, only if function is simple and clear to use.

When Simplicity Fails

Designing a website that is simple does not always mean it is the best web design, especially if it involves making changes to things such as navigational menus, standard layout elements, searches, and other important user functions. Even though it may seem like putting things in a different, more obvious place, or giving a user an easier way to do something will offer them a better experience, it often has the opposite effect.

People become accustomed to doing things a certain way; and deviation from this – even if it means fewer steps are involved – requires extra thought, analysis, and accompanying frustration. Some attempts at providing easier and faster methods can backfire if it involves changing actions that are well ingrained in the usage pattern of most website visitors. Even something as seemingly benign as putting links to contact information somewhere other than the usual places such as in the bottom menu as a navigation menu link, or in the top header, can confuse users and frustrate them when they go to those places and do not find what they expected. Navigation menu changes may have a negative effect when a website is designed differently.

Keep Simplicity – Remember Expectations

The best web design must always take into account how people expect the website to function and leave such expectations intact, even if it involves more steps. Anticipate how a person will use the site based on their past use of similar websites. Don’t ignore other elements of simple web design should be ignored; the best web designers will choose their modifications carefully based on a target audience’s expectations. Testing any changes to “standard functions” is the best way to develop an idea of how audiences behave, and what web design changes are acceptable without influencing site effectiveness.

Web designers must understand that simple function that requires the least effort and fewest steps possible is preferable – and should be the goal for great web design. Simplicity that sacrifices efficiency, causing users to slow down to analyze a function, should be avoided whenever possible since this is a known cause of dropped transactions. Getting the combination right with the best web design for a particular website, requires a careful balance of a simple look and design elements as well as expected function. That great combination can provide a smooth website experience and almost guarantee that users will remain and return to the website!

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