There used to be a day when the term ‘above the fold’ in print design was critical, as this was where viewers looked first on a page, making that part the most valuable real estate. This concept transferred to digital design with the concept of ‘above the scroll’ being the same thing; however, is designing above the scroll even still relevant? With changing screen sizes and how the internet is accessed, the conclusion is that great College Station web design is embracing vertical design and scrolling, rather than focusing on above the scroll design.

The Evolution of Vertical Web Design

One of the main things that web design features that is not seen with print design is scrolling. This has become an essential design feature on modern websites and we are seeing them designed for much more than just desktop viewing. There is no actual, standard screen size today with the advent of platforms other than desktop and laptop screens, such as smart phones and tablets.

As a matter of fact, mobile web views continue to outrank any other device today, meaning more people are seeing websites on a vertical screen than ever before. On these types of devices, it is much more natural to scroll up and down with a touch to the screen than it is to scroll across, which is the main reason why vertical website design has become so very important.

Vertical Elements vs. Above the Scroll

Even as vertical design is becoming more popular and user-friendly, there are still some basic elements of every website that should remain above the scroll, primarily navigation. Regardless of the website, users should be able to click or swipe into the main site as well as to navigate from links that are visible before needing to scroll. Without this, you could lose an audience if they don’t actually scroll and locate those things. This is why it is wise to have a main headline, title, or image above the scroll so that viewers can get a general idea of the website from the the beginning. After that, there is much greater flexibility to scroll everything else, since it is impossible to fit more than a main element or two above the scroll on vertical screens such as those on smart phones and tablets.

Other than navigation and a few other important elements, College Station web design experts are finding greater success using a more vertical design for a number of reasons: it is simpler and it is easier to create.

  • Simpler – It is easier to design vertically since the average book or magazine page size is vertical and all of that was initially adapted as more horizontal layouts for digital viewing. Vertical design is more natural, all things considered.

  • Easier To Create – With the need for responsive design for many reasons, vertical layouts lend themselves seamlessly. There is much less effort involved in creating a great, responsive website based on vertical elements which, when accessed on a smart phone or tablet, always looks the way they should.

According to the most progressive and skilled web designers today, the consensus seems to be that vertical layouts are much more functional and more preferred. To get the best College Station web design, it is important to consider how a website can be easily viewed on all different devices. This necessity leads to responsive design, which in turn leads to helpful vertical, scrolling layouts – and websites that can be seen and used on almost every view platform!

Need To Find The Best Web Design in College Station?

We Know About Vertical Web Design!

Call Us at (979) 599-7530!

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